Ingenuity Creators Opportunity at ShowCASE

Ingenuity Artists / Creators Invited to the CWRU Research ShowCASE
Special Tour and Potential Collaborations
Thursday April 15, 2010 10:00 AM to 3PM
Tour at 10:00 AM

Calling all creators! Artists, Musicians, Inventors, Writers, Poets and all of the ingenious fans and participants of Ingenuity. Is there a science to art? Is there an art to science? Are there magic formulas yet to be invented, partnerships between all kinds of creators to be discovered and nurtured? At Ingenuity, we certainly think so, and here is a unique opportunity for all of us to find out.

Ingenuity is partnering with the CASE Research Showcase, on Thursday, April 15, at the Veale Convocations Center on the CWRU campus, to help bring artists and scientists, researchers, engineers, and others together to stir the mix and find out what happens.

Hundreds of CASE researchers, scientists and scholars will come together for a day of collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Exhibits of real-world applications, critical insights, and creative and intellectual activities will be on view highlighting the full range of faculty, postdoctoral, and graduate research at Case. We want our artistic creative community to enter the mix and see what happens.

View the list of ShowCASE exhibitors here.

What might happen?

  • Exposure to worlds not often accessible proves engaging, surprising, and fun.
  • Artists discover new ideas, concepts, and tools which may insinuate themselves into their thinking and creative process.
  • Illuminating, intriguing, even provocative conversations among artists, scientists and scholars stimulate thinking in new and creative directions — researchers may see their work through artists eyes….a different and welcome perspective.
  • Scientists and researchers discover that artists — innate masters of communication — can help express their works to a broader public in ways they would never imagine.
  • Serendipitous personal connections blossom into rewarding collaborations
  • And who knows what else?

CASE and Ingenuity are setting a goal of facilitating at least three productive collaborations between Ingenuity’s ingenious “creators” and CASE’s brilliant research, science, and engineering community. If we can make them happen, these collaborations will be portrayed at both Ingenuity in the fall (if possible) and at the CASE Showcase 2011! And both CASE and Ingenuity are willing help to make it happen, though with this all being so new to both us, we will figure that out as we go.

CASE Research Showcase presenters will know you are coming. You will be free to browse all day, but we think you will enjoy special tour is set for 10:00 AM.

And even if you do not consider yourself a “creator” the event is free and open to the public.

Interested? Great! All that you have to do is RSVP here and show up at the Veale Convocation Center for a tour at 10 AM. Click here for map and directions. If you can’t make the tour, you’re free to attend the event all day, but please RSVP so we know who was there.

Questions or Concerns? Contact: or call 216-589-9444