Ingenuity favorite Lisa Lock will be presenting Concentric Cycles, a piece that she choreographed and will perform at the Cleveland Public Theatre February 19 – 21.
Concentric Cycles
Choreographed by Lisa K. Lock and Performed by Amy Compton and Lisa K. Lock.As time passes, memories weave a fabric that connects with the present, shaping every moment of our lives. A mysterious karmic tale that spans a life time repetitively gives second chances and allows for grasping wisdom through mistakes made in the heat of passion.
Choreographer and performer Lisa K. Lock’s new work ponders questions about the privilege of owning a body, in a fable of incarnating souls. Memories are made visible with an unrolling large red train, at times decorative and at times limiting, it is a metaphor for the fabric of life, the red thread, and a bloody past.
Collaborators include Larry Coleman (video and PR), Paul Gurgol (artistic advisor) and Russ Borski (costume designer).
This piece will be presented along with other terrific pieces at CPT’s Big Box Series. It’s 11 pieces presented over eight weekends. Read about all of them here and go see them!