January 28, 2023
ANCHORS AWAY! Brite Winter 2023 brings you a Fluri-filled Maritime Adventure on the High Seas, full of sea spray, surprises, and swift winds at our backs!
Held February 25, 2023 in the crook of the Cuyahoga on the West Bank of the Flats, this year’s Brite Winter Festival is all about lifting our anchors up, shedding old weight and setting sail for new adventures ahead!
Now in its 14th year, Brite is Cleveland’s premier wintertime event, a festival full of music, art, fire and fun! The Brite Art Team works collaboratively on large-scale, immersive community art experiences that bring Brite to life with YOUR help! Read on to learn about the range of ways to get involved, and let us know about your talents and ideas!
Public Art Workshops are held at IngenuityLabs at the Hamilton Collaborative, Thursdays at 6 -9 pm and Saturdays at 2-5 pm, January 28 thru February 11th, with a special info session December 1st. In 2023, Anchors Away! will manifest in a series of large and smaller scale installations and we need all hands on deck!
We’re looking for seaworthy folks of all experience levels to join the community art team, and you can join as a Volunteer, Crew Member or Project Lead.
RSVP to let us know you’ll attend, and, to truly help us keep things ship-shape, learn more and tell us more about your interests by filling out the following form: