For Immediate Release
Annie Weiss, Ingenuity Cleveland
Cleveland, OH (November 13, 2015) – Structured as unlikely conversations between representatives from big business, small start-ups, the creative community and academia, Ingenuity Cleveland, in partnership with Design Lab High School, kicks off a new conversation series to highlight and discuss Cleveland’s unique opportunities as a globally competitive city for innovation and manufacturing.
Agents of Ingenuity’s first Live Conversations series will run Monday, November 16 and Thursday, November 19 at Bop Stop @ the Music Settlement (2920 Detroit Road, Cleveland) from 5:30 until 7:00pm. Entrance is $15 and attendees can reserve tickets in advance at agentsofing.eventbrite.com.
Monday’s conversations will feature Jergens’ CEO and Cuyahoga County Councilman Jack Schron and Ethan Karp, CEO of Magnet: The Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network. Attendees can engage with the speakers and learn about innovations in Cleveland’s manufacturing strategies.
Thursday’s event will feature conversations with Jeff Epstein, Director of Cleveland’s Health Tech Corridor and Erika Anthony, Senior Director of Advocacy, Policy and Research at Cleveland Neighborhood Progress. Conversations will center on Cleveland as a global hub for innovation.
Agents of Ingenuity will continue to grow with more evening discussions, podcasts, social hacks and a larger Agents of Ingenuity Summit. For more information, visit http://ingenuitycleveland.com/agentsofingenuity/
UPDATE 4/17/2016: For the most up-to-date info on upcoming conversations, dates and times please visit: www.ingenuitycleveland.com/agentsofingneuity