For Immediate Release
Annie Weiss, Ingenuity Cleveland
(216) 589-9444
Ingenuity Announces Open Call for Entries for 10th Annual IngenuityFest
Cleveland, OH – (January 13, 2014) Ingenuity announces its open call for the 10th annual IngenuityFest to be held in Cleveland in September of 2014. IngenuityFest is a three-day celebration of art, music, technology, and more.  Artists, creators, inventors, and experimenters are invited to propose projects large and small. In the past, Ingenuity has featured dance and theater performances, installation art, kinetic sculpture, technology demonstrations, maker displays, landscaping, and architecture, among other things.
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, IngenuityFest is also considering work that would extend beyond the typical three-day event and single geography that have marked past events. Creative teams can consider multi-week projects that take place outside the location of the Fest itself.
“This is our chance to redefine IngenuityFest for the next 10 years,” said James Krouse, artistic director at Ingenuity. “So much energy and excitement goes into creating a three-day event, that we’re confident the creative community can extend that to the entire city for a month or longer.”
Creative teams and artists are asked to submit a proposal, work samples, budgets, and creative statements. Deadline for entries is 11:59 PM April 6, 2014.  Further details and the online entry for can be found at www.ingenuitycleveland.com/2014call.
Bands and other music performers are also invited to apply with a deadline of June 1, 2014. Applications can be found at www.ingenuitycleveland.com/2014bandcall.
About Ingenuity
Ingenuity highlights the creativity and innovation that make Cleveland a vibrant place to live. We ignite the creative spark where the arts, science, and technology intersect. By animating Cleveland’s urban spaces with world-class, innovative experiences, Ingenuity provides a unique platform for exploring the boundaries of arts, science, and technology. We do this through our innovative outreach programs, creative partnerships and events, including our annual IngenuityFest.
Ingenuity, now entering its 10th season, is funded by The George Gund Foundation, Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, The Cleveland Foundation, and the Ohio Arts Council as well as many other businesses, non-profits, and private individuals. IngenuityFest creates a combined economic impact of $4.5 million to Cleveland’s economy.