For Immediate Release
Annie Weiss, Ingenuity Cleveland
(216) 589-9444
Ingenuity’s 3rd Annual Bal Ingénieux Set for May 3rd
at Slovenian National Home
Cleveland, OH – (April 3, 2014) Get your costumes ready! Ingenuity is hosting their third annual Bal Ingénieux on May 3rd at the Slovenian National Home (6417 Saint Clair Ave). Bal Ingénieux is inspired by the Kokoon Arts Club parties of the early 20th century that celebrated the entire creative class – this re-enactment raises funds for IngenuityFest. For tickets and more information visit www.balingenieux.com.
Acts include performances by the Satori Circus, Svetlana Derisive Escape artist, and Red Campion Opera. “We’ve had so much positive feedback from the past two Bals,” says IngenuityFest Artistic Director, James Krouse. “And this year’s Bal will surely be a spectacle – we have some great acts lined up, like Last Call Cleveland and vaudeville duo Pinch & Squeal!”
Costumes are not required, but you’ll have a lot more fun if you wear one. The original Kokoon Arts Club parties were notorious costume affairs that brought modernism to Cleveland.
“We’re hoping to reach a broader spectrum of people this year, “ said IngenuityFest Executive Director, Paula Grooms. “This is one of the most unique and fun events of the year. It’s going to be a wild party – all ticket levels almost sold out last year, so be sure to order them soon!”
Tickets for the Premier Level are $125 and include cocktails and dinner. At this level, you can stay the entire evening and enjoy all the entertainment plus an open bar. Corporate or reserved tables are also available for $1200 and include premier level benefits, with complimentary champagne service through dinner and priority seating for the floor show. Doors open at 6:00 pm and the party goes on until 1:00 am. The Club 1914 Level begins at 8:00 pm and tickets are $50, offering an all-night variety show and a dessert bar. Arrive at 10:00 pm for the Bohemian Level and tickets are only $15 in advance ($20 at the door) and attendees can enjoy dancing, burlesque, mayhem and debauchery!
To help raise additional funds for Ingenuity, Bal Ingénieux will also be holding a silent auction during the evening. If you are interested in donating a service, product or creatively packaging your time and talent, please contact Ingenuity’s Marketing Associate, Annie Weiss at annie@ingenuitycleveland.org.
For more information about Bal Ingénieux or to order tickets, visit www.balingenieux.com or go to www.ingenuitycleveland.com.
About Ingenuity
Ingenuity highlights the creativity and innovation that make Cleveland a vibrant place to live. We ignite the creative spark where the arts, science, and technology intersect. By animating Cleveland’s urban spaces with world-class, innovative experiences, Ingenuity provides a unique platform for exploring the boundaries of arts, science, and technology. We do this through our innovative outreach programs, creative partnerships and events including oru annual IngenuityFest.
Ingenuity is now entering its 10th season and is funded by the George Gund Foundation, Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, The Cleveland Foundation, and the Ohio Arts Council as well as many other businesses, non-profits, and private indiviuals. The three-day IngenuityFest, which currently creates a combined economic impact of $4.5 million to Cleveland’s economy, will return in September 2014.