Ingenuity Conference: Making Wellness

Part of Ingenuity’s mission is to explore the space where humanity and technology connect.  On aspect of that intersection is in wellness.  How are new technologies making us healthier?  How is our approach to technology changing as it becomes more integrated with our bodies?  How is the healthcare industry changing as technology has become a lot less ‘top down’?

We’re exploring these questions with a panel aimed at creating unlikely conversations between medical professionals, makers, artists, designers, and innovators.

Mel McGee
President, imageNation Web Experts

Kano Mayer
Surgeon, Cleveland Clinic

Gary Galbraith
Founder/Director of the Dancer Wellness Project and Professor of Dance at Case Western Reserve University

Jason Tilk
Senior Designer at Nottingham Spirk

Rick Pollack
President of MakerGear

Brian Bowles
CEO of Blackwolf Tactical